Twin4Promis Seminars

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Twin4Promis Introduction to Technology Transfer: Key Takeaways

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Twin4Promis “Introduction to Technology Transfer” online seminar, hosted on Wednesday, October 2nd. This successful event was organized by the VIB Innovation & Business Unit and hosted by the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute of Chemical Biology. The seminar provided trainees with the opportunity to delve…

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Key Insights from the Twin4Promis Biophysics Workshop!

From September 9 to 11, 2024, the VIB Switch Laboratory in Leuven, Belgium, the epicenter of biophysics innovation, served as a host for the Twin4Promis Biophysics Workshop. This event was designed to meet the needs of students and postdoctoral researchers, providing a rich, hands-on learning experience in the cutting-edge techniques of the VIB Switch Laboratory’s…

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NHRF Institutional visit and Scientific seminar by Prof. Michel Bouvier

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Prof. Michel Bouvier, an esteemed member of the Twin4Promis scientific board, will perform his institutional visit at the premises of the National Hellenic Research Foundation. In the framework of his visit, Prof. Bouvier will deliver a scientific seminar entitled “Pharmacological Chaperones for the treatment of GPCR misfolding diseases; Nephrogenic Diabetes…

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