Research and Innovation Hub

About the

Twin4Promis partners will exploit their extended scientific and industrial network to build a wider scientific and industrial network in the field of protein misfolding diseases, which aims at bringing to together -for the first time- scientists involved in the research of diseases caused by the misfolding of both soluble and integral membrane proteins.

This will greatly contribute to intensifying the liaisons among members of two scientific sub-communities who rarely communicate with another. As part of this process, Twin4promis will draft a roadmap for establishing an extended network/hub of academic institutions and industries to consolidate research and innovation in protein misfolding diseases, which will be sustained beyond this project and which is expected to have a long-term impact in the field.


Research and Innovation Hub in Protein Misfolding Diseases

The project partners wish to exploit their complementary technologies and skills in biology, chemistry and engineering to widen their collaboration and synergize to expand their research to studying the misfolding of membrane proteins. By doing so and in the framework of an exploratory R&I project carried out with open science practices, they aim to identify new compounds with the ability to rescue the misfolding of disease-linked integral membrane proteins, select candidate molecules with potentially therapeutic effects against serious and currently incurable diseases, and expedite their further development and commercial exploitation.